“Your ideas attract your reality,” says a well-known notion present in practically all self-help books and motivational speeches. As a result, if you want to obtain anything, you must think about it all day and night.”
Rhonda Byrne’s famous book ‘Secret’ dives further into this subject, arguing that our thoughts behave like a magnet, attracting everything. Some of us have a propensity of taking these phrases literally and misinterpreting them. They spend their entire days and nights contemplating what they want or what they want to become in life. However, they do nothing to obtain them. This was referred to as “Wishful Thinking.” It’s the same as wanting a water bottle from the fridge next to the sofa but not taking any steps to get there. Unless you have a Harry Potter magical wand, nothing occurs.
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The Catch-22 is that actions are just as essential as wishes/desires. It is necessary to comprehend the underlying meanings and contexts behind the lines.
Everyone understands that exercising on a regular basis may keep one’s body fit, sound, and healthy. Most of us do it on a regular basis. But, don’t we forget that our minds require regular workouts as well?
If we don’t practice mental activities, we become dull, lethargic, and lazy. Many job searchers learn something new every day by reading books, watching educational videos, and keeping their minds attentive and engaged. However, once a person finds a job, he or she loses interest in studying. One just reads Instagram posts, watches Netflix series, and keeps the mind in a passive state.
When a person acquires a decent job, he or she loses his or her zeal for learning. “Success is a poor teacher; it seduces brilliant people into thinking they can’t lose,” says Bill Gates.
People who are complacent in life are less attentive, productive, and creative. They cease learning new things or talents and become locked in one area for the rest of their lives. Some 9 to 5 employees grumble about being stuck in their jobs because they are unlucky. But, more than luck, it is our capacity to learn on a regular basis and progress.
Life opens up new doors and chances via constant learning and progression. Michael Jordan had around 9000 missed shots, but he claimed that these mistakes taught him how to thrive in life.
“If you keep moving forward, there are always chances ahead,” explains Lin Qi.
Crux — Constant learning and going forward are the essential keys to success.