Get More Comments on Your Facebook Posts

August 22, 2022

As a business, having a presence active on Facebook is an obvious choice: it allows you to advertise your brand, connect directly with your customers, provide your business a more individual voice, and keep at the forefront of your intended people. However, reaching your target audience via Facebook involves more than creating a business profile and publishing regular posts; You must convince your fans to share your content.

According to an analysis done by BuzzSumo and Buffer of 43 million Facebook business page posts, Facebook page engagement has fallen by over 50 percent. For businesses, the reduction in engagement has been intensified due to modifications made to the Facebook News Feed algorithm, which favors posts from family and friends over posts on Facebook pages for businesses.

Likes, Comments, and Shares

Posting comments is the best way to go if you want more interaction on Facebook. Comments can help make your company appear more credible, and shares prove how interested people have become by the content that they are willing to pass the information on to their acquaintances, but comments demonstrate genuine engagement.

If one takes the time to comment, it shows that they’re interested in your content, which means Facebook will be aware that your content is generating connections and meaningful interactions among people. It’s more likely to place your content on your News Feed.

Adam Moresi, head of News Feed at Facebook, announced in a blog that Facebook will give priority to “posts that inspire back-and-forth discussion in the comments and posts that you might want to share and react to–whether that’s a post from a friend seeking advice, a friend asking for recommendations for a trip, or a news article or video prompting lots of discussions.”

If you want to see more commenters, Facebook cautions against asking for comments. “Using ‘engagement-bait’ to goad people into commenting on posts is not a meaningful interaction, and we will continue to demote these posts in News Feed,” said Messi.

How do you gain more Facebook followers without using bait? Try these strategies:

Get genuine input.

Inviting your followers to post comments without reason isn’t a good idea. However, posts that request comments with legitimate motives, like soliciting advice, suggestions, or help, are not penalized. It is acceptable to ask your clients to share their most valuable advice regarding using their products as an example or what they think the products and services you offer could be enhanced click here.

Utilize visual content.

If it’s not a highly engaging story or is about a hot issue, If a post contains just text won’t be greeted with a great deal of interest. According to research by NewsWhip, which monitors social media engagement, 86% of Facebook posts that garner the most attention are videos. 14% of them are photos.

Ask questions.

The post is a fantastic method to increase interactions and participation with Facebook fans. However, according to a study conducted by HubSpot, Certain kinds of questions are more effective than others. HubSpot discovered that posts that contain phrases such as “should,” “would,” “which,” and “who” get the most comments. Those that contain” why, “why,” and “how” have the lowest number of comments.

Post content that is interesting and people want to discuss.

News Whip found that controversial posts linked to the top news stories or covering a topic of common interest are likely to receive the most comments. Many companies are cautious about posting anything politically oriented on their websites. However, there are always local news stories to write about, such as your local sports teams or events.

Create an emotional reaction.

Social media posts that go viral usually trigger strong emotions. To increase engagement, create posts that astonish your viewers, causing them to cry, laugh, or even get angry.

Upload a photo and ask your followers to add captions.

Pick a fun or exciting picture and let viewers take on the most creative caption.

You can try a fill-in-the-blank blog post that is related to your company.

Fill-in-the-blanks posts ask users to write a sentence or phrase that can complete an assertion. This not only encourages responses, as they can fill the gaps by leaving comments, but it could also provide valuable data about your target audience.

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