WhatsApp has become the most popular app in the world, with over 1.6 billion monthly active users, meaning that it is a common and convenient way to get in touch with anyone you want. However, if a person has blocked you on WhatsApp, it’s very likely they did it because they want to distance themselves from you or because you were harassing them in any way. A person might also block you if your messages are too frequent and/or if they have uninstalled WhatsApp from their device or turned off the app altogether. This can happen when the other person has uninstalled WhatsApp from their device or has turned off the app (which would mean they deleted their account). If this happens only once in a while (meaning not every time), then there’s no need for concern yet: just try sending them another message later on!

WhatsApp has become the most popular app in the world, with over 1.6 billion monthly active users, meaning that it is a common and convenient way to get in touch with anyone you want.

WhatsApp has become the most popular app in the world, with over 1.6 billion monthly active users, meaning that it is a common and convenient way to get in touch with anyone you want. However, there are some instances where a person on WhatsApp may not respond to your message or may block you entirely from their phone number. In these situations, it’s important to find out why this happened so that you can take steps toward resolving any issues that might have caused them to cut off contact with you.

If a person has blocked you on WhatsApp, it’s very likely they did it because they want to distance themselves from you.

If a person has blocked you on WhatsApp, it’s very likely they did it because they want to distance themselves from you. In fact, this is the main reason why people block others in the first place: to avoid feeling any sort of obligation toward the person who blocked them, and to ensure that their own feelings won’t be hurt by whatever might happen in the future.

If your ex-girlfriend suddenly stops responding to your messages after months of talking every day, or if your best friend doesn’t write back when you ask him what he wants for his birthday—it could mean that one or both of them have blocked you from messaging them anymore. It’s important not to take these things personally; once again, remember that there are several reasons why someone might decide not to talk with someone else anymore (and those reasons may not even be related specifically). However, if a person does block another because of something specific about their relationship together then there may still be hope for reconciliation at some point down line (maybe).

A person might also block you if your messages are too frequent, or if you were harassing them in any way.

You might be wondering if you were blocked by someone, or if they are just ignoring you. There are several ways to tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp.

  • If a person is trying to contact you and can’t, it’s possible that they have blocked your number. The easiest way to figure this out is by sending them a message. If they don’t receive it and don’t reply back right away, then it’s likely that they’ve blocked your number. They may also not see any new messages from users who haven’t been added as contacts before in their phones’ contact list yet either – so make sure those contacts are saved before trying again! This can also happen when using other messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger or SMS text messaging services like Apple iMessage too since these apps rely upon the same network infrastructure for connectivity purposes (iPhones use AT&T towers while Androids use Verizon).

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you will still see them as a contact in your list of contacts; however, there are some important indicators that give away the fact that they’ve blocked you.

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you will still see them as a contact in your list of contacts; however, there are some important indicators that give away the fact that they’ve blocked you:

  • They will not appear in your contact list.
  • They will not receive any messages you send to them. This means if you send them an image or video file, it won’t show up in their WhatsApp chat screen and they won’t be able to view it unless they add the sender again or manually request for it through the “share” feature.
  • They will not appear in your “My Contacts” list at all times—even when they’re online or have seen your message (whether this is a group conversation or just one-on-one).

This can happen when the other person has uninstalled WhatsApp from their device or has turned off the app.

If you try to send a message to a person who has blocked you, this notification will show up on your screen: “Message Failed to send”. If someone blocks you on WhatsApp and you are also using the same app, then there is no way for you to know that they have blocked you until they unblock or don’t accept your friend request again.

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To know if someone has blocked me on WhatsApp?

If the last time a message was sent by this person is “several weeks ago”, it may be an indication that they have deleted their account.

It is possible that the person you are trying to contact has blocked you. One way to determine if this is true is by examining the last time a message was sent by this person. If they have not messaged you in several weeks, then it may be an indication that they have deleted their account and closed communication on WhatsApp completely.

If the last time a message was sent by this person is “several weeks ago”, it may be an indication that they have deleted their account.

If you try to send a message to a person who has blocked you, this notification will show up on your screen: “Message Failed to send”.

If you try to send a message to a person who has blocked you, this notification will show up on your screen: “Message Failed to send”. You can also see the same notification when you’re trying to call or video call with someone who’s blocked you.

This means that WhatsApp didn’t receive any response from them. If this happens, it means that your friend might have blocked your number and/or WhatsApp account from their phone.

There are two ways in which you can prevent getting this notification again and again:

  • Delete conversation threads with people who have blocked your number or account
  • Use another number or app

However, if this happens only once in a while, it’s probably a good idea not to jump to conclusions and give them another chance.

Even if a person has blocked you on WhatsApp, this doesn’t mean that they don’t want to talk to you anymore. The best thing to do at this point is make sure that there is nothing wrong with your phone or internet connection and then wait for them to come back online.

Read more here:- How to Tell if Someone Blocked you on Whatsapp?

If the person does reply, ask them why they blocked you in the first place. If their reason isn’t good enough (for example, because they were busy), then it may be best if both of you agree not to communicate further over WhatsApp. This will ensure that no further misunderstandings occur in the future and hopefully keep things civil between the two of you.

Just because someone hasn’t been online recently doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve blocked you.

Just because someone hasn’t been online recently doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve blocked you. They may simply be using a different device or have switched to another app.

A person who has blocked you on WhatsApp will not be able to see your messages, but you will still be able to see theirs.

If you try to send a message to a person who has blocked you, this notification will show up on your screen: “Message Failed to send.”


It’s important to note that if you’re hearing from someone less often than usual, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have blocked you. They may be busy with work or school, or they just might not feel like talking right now. If this happens more than once in a while, though, don’t take it personally—just wait and see if they come back around!