Treatment options for ED depend on the underlying cause of the problem. Oral medications can help, as can a referral to a urologist. In some cases, surgery may be necessary. A psychologist may also be referred, as some cases can’t be treated with medication. The types of treatment vary, and there are pros and cons to each. Learn more about what’s best for you.
Treatment options for erectile dysfunction
There are many different erectile dysfunction treatment options available to men, and each one is not the same. Depending on the underlying cause, a physician may prescribe oral medications or refer you to a urologist to address surgical options. If oral medication and injection therapy are ineffective, a physician may also suggest you see a psychologist. ED is a complex medical condition, and the best treatment is a customized one.
Sex therapy may be beneficial for most men. In addition to helping men overcome sexual dysfunction, this therapy can also help men and their partners cope with the problem. Before undergoing invasive treatments, a physician should first consult with you to discuss sex therapy as a treatment option. Hormone replacement therapy may be an option, but should be used only after a thorough medical evaluation. While it may be a temporary fix, this treatment option can be very effective.
Medications for erectile dysfunction vary in their effectiveness. Many commonly prescribed drugs like, Fildena double 200mg etc, are known to cause or contribute to erectile dysfunction. These include calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), and beta-blockers. Some of these medications are not very effective and may cause adverse side effects. Some men may respond better to oral medication than oral treatments. And while some men may have an erection problem despite taking a prescription drug, some men may find that the pills they take are not worth the risks.
Side effects of erectile dysfunction medications
There are several side effects of erectile dysfunction medications. Some men may experience flushing or blotchy skin. The medication may also cause indigestion. Improper digestion can cause other side effects including dehydration and nutrient deficiency. In rare cases, men may experience lower back pain or muscle aches. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.
While the majority of erectile dysfunction medications can help men regain erections, side effects of ED medications include lower back pain and reduced muscle mass. Many men with erectile dysfunction also complain of reduced strength and mobility. These side effects can be minimized by using over-the-counter medications. As with all medications, it’s important to check with your doctor before trying a new medication for sexual dysfunction.
Another common side effect is blotches of redness on the skin. Men who take erectile dysfunction medications are at risk for blotchy skin. These red spots can appear on any part of the body and range from temporary to permanent. These blotches may also be accompanied by rashes. These side effects can have dangerous consequences, particularly if you’re using them for an extended period of time.
Surgical treatment options for erectile dysfunction
In a single procedure, the surgeon places semi-rigid rods into incisions made at the base of the penis. Implants provide a durable hardness, and the patient can have erections as long as the implant lasts. This treatment is not very effective, however, and is associated with a small risk of complications.
Surgical treatment options for erectile malfunction include the use of oral medications and surgery. Oral medication is effective for over 70 percent of patients, and the use of penile prosthetic devices has been widely adopted. Surgical intervention is the only known treatment option that is not based on biochemical reactivity of the penile tissue. Other options include vacuum constriction devices, penile implants, and penile prosthesis. Erectile dysfunction is a problem of men’s inability to achieve penetrative sex and it’s solving by Fildena 50 mg.
Expensive treatments
Surgery for erectile dysfunction involves placing inflatable or flexible rods in the penis. The rod is inflated with a pump placed in the scrotum. Penile implant surgery is reserved for men with erectile dysfunction and is considered one of the more expensive treatments. A penile implant is a good option for patients who don’t want to take medications. In addition to using oral medications, a penile implant also allows for spontaneity and freedom from side effects associated with prescription medications.
Surgery for erectile dysfunction often requires a medical evaluation and may not be covered by insurance. Medicare is the most common insurer of erectile dysfunction surgeries. However, it is not widely covered, and coverage is largely limited. BlueCross BlueShield, however, requires that the patient have a medical condition contributing to sexual dysfunction and has tried other treatments. For those without medical conditions, surgical treatment may be the only way to cure ED.